Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Discovering Geography
Why did you choose the Geography program at SU?
I chose geography at ‘Cuse by accident. I didn’t intend to be a geography major – I came in studying journalism in Newhouse and wanted to pick up a second major and I thought the class GEO103, “America and the Global Environment” (now “Environment and Society”) sounded cool, so I just took it as an elective. I loved Bob Wilson so much, so I took more classes in geography and whoops, GEO MAJOR!
After SU Geography
Where do you work? How did you end up there?
I am a First Year Law student at University of Colorado School of Law.
What geography skills do you use at your work?
Geography taught me how to be a critical thinker, taking into consideration critical geographical thinking in law school.
Lessons learned as a Geography major & Advice to undergrads
What was the most useful class during undergrad?
My favorite class was GEO 300 – Animals and Society. It was one of the first times I realized that you could absolutely love a class and the materials and that was actually encouraged, instead of taking classes you didn’t enjoy or didn’t want to learn about.
What programs helped prepare you outside of class?
I worked part time in the Community Geography office with Jonnell Robinson. Having professional experience and working with a professor was really important, Also, I got to meet some very great people through Syracuse Grows.
Any advice for undergrads?
The best advice I have for undergrads is to make an effort to meet your professors, especially the GEO ones; they are all amazing people and genuinely want you to do well. Also, go to Peeps Place.
Fun Fact about Syracuse:
The best view in ‘Cuse is at sunset, which is at the water tower by the zoo!