The SU Geography Department is a lively one!
…here are some events the Department sponsors:

Fall Frolic Hike, Fall 2013
Fall Frolic Hike: October
Every October, the Geo Department invites any and all GEO-related students to frolic in the woods! The Fall Frolic is a several-mile hike at any one of numerous outdoor sites in the Central New York area. Not only does it give students a chance to leave “the Hill,” but it’s a great opportunity to bond with the faculty members who chaperone; there’s nothing like seeing your usually formal professors in khakis and hiking boots! Get ready to put on your hiking gear, enjoy the fresh air, the beautiful fall scenery, the peer bonding and the next day soreness–rugged.

Professor Emeritus, Donald W. Meinig
Meinig Lecture: March or April
Since 2013, SU’s Geography Department has hosted the Donald W. Meinig Undergraduate Lecture Series in honor of retired Maxwell Professor Emeritus Donald Meinig and the renowned work he has contributed to geography. The series presents guest speakers who are some of the top names in the field. So far, it has featured the notable Drs. David Harvey, Craig Colton, and Sallie Marston. Save the date and learn about topics in geography from the most influential minds in the discipline!

Career Night, Fall 2014
Career Night: November
Let’s say you’ve become a major and everything is going well–you love your classes, your professors are great and you’re becoming engaged in the discipline. However, a question dawns on you: what am I going to do with a degree in geography? You’re in luck! Each year, the Geography Department hosts an evening dedicated to introducing you to your major in the workforce. This event brings back alumni who are eager to share their real-world experiences with undergrads, their tips on how to get a job, and how they use geography in their careers. It also features two other fantastic panels: current geography graduate students for those interested in Graduate school, and representatives from SU Career Services. Oh, and there’s always free food!

The first ever Geo Challenge: November 18, 2013
Geography Awareness Week Activities: November
If you would like to check out the promotional video for The 2013 Geo Challenge, click here.
Check out a few more of the many happenings in SU Geography!
Gamma Theta Upsilon: An International honor society in geography with membership earned through outstanding scholarship. For more information about GTU at SU, click here or click here for GTU’s official website.
Geography Club: Open to all graduate and undergraduate students, the Geography club brings together students to participate in geography-related events like films and outings.
Friday Colloquium: A lecture series featuring research presentations by SU Geography faculty members as well as guest speakers from other universities. The lectures bring faculty, grad students, and undergrads all in one room!